Everyone is an agent and everybody is special – just because they exist in this world and because they are different from the rest. This manual offers a hands-on approach to regaining one’s agentivity in relation to oneself and to the species.
We have manuals for devices and things, but almost none for the human beings.
This publication fills in this gap and offers some practical advice on how to exercise one’s own special agency both within and the outside. It starts from introducing a framework of thinking, which is based on active dynamic cognitive reconfiguration of perception and thought. We introduce Special Agent’s re~programming vocabulary, which – after continuous use – has a transforming effect on one’s personality and immediate surrounding.
We then move on to introduce several practical skills and physical practices, which can be used to support adaptive soma~cognitive states.
Finally, the concepts of Venture Fiction, Cognitive Stimulants, Constructed Identities and Body/Mind Operating System are introduced in order to demonstrate practical implications of the approach.
If you would like to get a printed copy of this manual, please, limited signed edition is available on http://circadian.co/shop/special-agent-manual/
Some pages from the manual are available in this preview (most pages are omitted and some pages are blurred):
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