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∞OS and Local Prophets at Palais de Tokyo

As part of La Manutension residence at Palais de Tokyo curated by Vittoria Matarrese, a collective ∞OS practice session was presented by Koo Des and Dmitry Paranyushkin to the participants (on the 8th of November 2018). Our intention was to share the basic principles and approach behind ∞OS bodymind operating system. Using the physical metaphors we shared the concepts of confluence, assimilation and adaptation, inviting the participants to explore how those notions can affect their everyday interactions. We then hosted the Local Prophets event inviting the participants of the workshop to gradually shift into the party mode with an opportunity to apply the new behavioral patterns that we practiced at ∞OS workshop moments earlier. ...

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4 August 2016: ∞OS + NSDOS @ NII Moscow

For this occasion at Nauka i Iskusstvo art+music venue in Moscow, Russia, we created a special session that combined ∞OS training with a live music performance by NSDOS supported by Aerodynamika. First we introduced some basic movement principles from ∞OS to activate wave-like oscillatory physicality. As the workshop unfolded, NSDOS (Koo Des) set up a biofeedback auditory system using the camera sensors that would affect the sound and projected image in space. The workshop gradually shifted towards more of a party-like atmosphere, with people being extremely sensitive to each other's movement and to their position in space. Special thanks to Alexander and Marina of NII for inviting us and to Lucy Savelieva for making the photos. ...

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