
Local Prophets

Local Prophets is an invite-only jamming session bringing together the artists and musicians to share and exchange music, creations, inspiration and vibes. The word "prophet" itself derives from pro 'for' or 'before' + phētēs 'speaker' (from phēnai 'speak'). A prophet receives and transmits further. The prophet is first spoken to and then he speaks to the others. They also say that "no man can be prophet in their own country". Therefore, a Local Prophet takes what there is and then brings it somewhere else. Every event we encourage people to play together for the first time and to try things out that they've never tried before, creating the starting points for new threads and collaborations. The live sessions are recorded, stored, archived, and released for future iterations. Everyone's contribution is recorded using the Common Allocation Matrix. We then divide the total amount of profits by the total number of hours invested into the event...

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PLAYBerlin was a temporary mission initiated by agent Paranyushkin in collaboration with agents Wengel and Staerber and with the support of various other agents stationed in the city of Berlin. [qodef_blockquote text="Our hands are stretching out to look for somewhere to rest among our immaterial archives so that we can draw out what they fall upon into the solidifying waves of occurrence until we are newly surrounded by such quick crystals." title_tag="h3" width=""] The mission had two objectives: To initiate and facilitate exchange and collaboration between different creative communities in Berlin; To create a modern online archiving system based on life-span of the content; In order to fulfil those objectives PLAYBerlin published regular materials about the known, emerging and unknown protagonists in different scenes and distributed those materials in its large e-mail network accumulated through copying and pasting all the CC emails that people forgot to hide when sending mass e-mails. Thanks to this ingenuine...

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