30 December 2016: 3AM Event
A regular event inviting the participants to experiment with their senses, perception, and expression....
Continue ReadingA regular event inviting the participants to experiment with their senses, perception, and expression....
Continue ReadingAn invite-only jamming session bringing together the locals of all breeds and activities to share and exchange music, creations, inspiration and vibes. Every session is a starting point for new threads and collaborations....
Continue ReadingA presentation by Dmitry Paranyushkin and Giovanni de Dona on constructed identities....
Continue ReadingAgent Activation is one of the most important functions that agents can perform in relation to themselves and to the others. On the very basic level "activation" is a fusion of energies (see the vocabulary) and in order for this fusion to occur, a connection has to be established at first. To be very practical, a real social situation is full of doubts, second thoughts and preconceived notions that make it more difficult to connect. There is a reason for that, but whatever that reason is, it does not mean that it works for everybody. An agent sees any situation as a dynamic network. A social situation at a public space is a set of disjointed network subgroups and lonely nodes. The agent's job is to connect to those groups in order to learn more about them and then engage them into a meaningful trans~mission, activating the other agents. In order to perform this job well, an agent...
Continue ReadingDetailed vocabulary for special agents....
Continue Reading∞OS training for Nike Lab x RT new collection presentation....
Continue ReadingFor this occasion at Nauka i Iskusstvo art+music venue in Moscow, Russia, we created a special session that combined ∞OS training with a live music performance by NSDOS supported by Aerodynamika. First we introduced some basic movement principles from ∞OS to activate wave-like oscillatory physicality. As the workshop unfolded, NSDOS (Koo Des) set up a biofeedback auditory system using the camera sensors that would affect the sound and projected image in space. The workshop gradually shifted towards more of a party-like atmosphere, with people being extremely sensitive to each other's movement and to their position in space. Special thanks to Alexander and Marina of NII for inviting us and to Lucy Savelieva for making the photos. ...
Continue ReadingContemporary dance performance based on Systema / 8OS practice at Uferstudios Berlin....
Continue ReadingAudiovisual installation and 8OS body/mind training session...
Continue ReadingA body/mind lab research session....
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